Hi, I am Eilert.
I'm a freelance illustrator since 2006. I am always keen in finding the best possible solution for my customers by being flexible with styles and able to adapt styles quickly. I am also fit in AE and doing animatics. My recent addiction to brushes manifests in my efforts to create high realistic media brushes for Photoshop and Illustrator. If you like that you should pay hejbrush.com a visit. I also started a macOS application called Hej Stylus!. It helps illustrators & designers fine-tuning their WACOM digitisers. I also like to fiddle with hardware - thus used for making my own custom brass pencils or building robots that draw.
Eilert Janßen Illustration
Reuterstr. 52
12047 Berlin
+ 49 (0)30 - 231 82 590
+ 49 (0)170 544 86 76
Hiii Illustration 2014
Merit Award (Nocommercial)
Bikeart / Urban Act group show
Volos city | 13-23 May, 2016
Thessaloniki | SAF festival | 9-11 June, 2016
Athens | 16-17 September, 2016 | AthensBikeFestival | Texnopolis culture center
Stroke ArtFair
13.09.2012 - 16.09.2012 Berlin | Postbahnhof
Hiromart Gallery Tokyo
“Tokyo Here We Come!” Group Show
04.06.2010 - 26.06.2010 Hiromart Gallery | Tokyo
The world of urban contemporary art - Group Show
15.06.2008 - 22.06.2008 intoxicated demons galerie | Berlin
The helping hounds of Hell Group Show
a Project of Twilite Skateboards and The Sage Hospital
25.01.2008 - 03.02.2008 Neurotitan Galerie | Berlin
08.02.2008 - 12.02.2008 Galerie Heliumcowboy Artspace | Hamburg
Live painting @ Little Picaro Group Show
7.12.2007 Intoxicated Demons Galerie | Berlin
Interdependenzen Group Show 05.01.2007 e-werk | Freiburg
Beats Illustrated
11.08.2004 - 27.08.2004 Galerie Heliumcowboy Artspace | Hamburg
Avantgarde | Berlin | Dubai, BattleROYALE | Berlin, Doppelgänger Film | Hamburg, Dreinull | Berlin, DREINULLMOTION | Berlin, Ereignisschmiede | Berlin, Familie Redlich | Berlin, G+J Wirtschaftsmedien, Harvey Nash, IN MIND | Berlin, interActive Systems | Berlin, Jung von Matt Hamburg | Stuttgart | Berlin, LightLife | Berlin, Markenfilm | Berlin | Hamburg, MONOMANGO | Berlin, Neue Digitale/ Razorfish | Berlin, Neue Stereo Filmproduktion| Berlin, Pahnke Markenmacherei | Hamburg, Polarwerk | Bremen, Realgestalt | Berlin, Scholz & Friends | Berlin, Storz & Escherich | Berlin, Superscreen | Hamburg, Twinfilm | München, Nordpol | Hamburg, VISIDEE–VERLAG | Berlin
11880, Activia, Ahoj Brause, Alpecin, Apollo, Audi, Axe,Bacardi, Base, Bild, Bitburger, BMW, Bosch, Budweiser, Chesterfield, CocaCola, Dallmayr, Dash, DEKA, Deutsche Bahn, Deutsche Telekom, Dräger, Du Darfst, Dulcolax, DVD Magazin, Cornelsen, Converse, EON, Edeka, Ebay, Euronics, F6 Music Award, Fanta, Fresenius Kabi, Friko, Gazprom, Hamburger Sparkasse, HBO, IWC, Kölner Stadt Anzeiger, Landrover, Lidl, Lucky Strike, McDonalds, Milka, Mini, Marlboro, Mucosolvan, Müllermilch, Nintendo, Nivea, Nokia, OBI, Pall, Pfanni, Peek + Cloppenburg, PayBack, Phaidon, Philips, Poliboy, Premiere, Pro 7, Rama, Renault, Ricola, RWE, Saturn, Sixt, Sparkasse, Samsung, Sony, Sony Ericsson, Total, Total Pächtermagazin, TUI, TV-Spielfilm, TV-Wartezimmer, Vattenfall, Vodafone, Wendel, West, Wilo
Financial Times Deutschland (Illustrationen für: Medbiz, Dossier, Weekend)
Read Magazin | All over hells half
Slanted | MAGMA Brand Design MONSTERBOX
Die Welt
Destructed.info PDF Magazin
Issue 01 »Alone« Issue 02 »Magic« Issue 03 »Maybee I Want It All« Issue 04 »How I Wonder What You Are« Issue 06 »Situations Are Complex« Issue 07 »Perfectly Ballanced« Issue 09 »Ordinary Days« Issue 011 »Vagabonds« Issue 014 »Subtitles« Issue 016 »Bad Habits« Issue 017 »1984«
Eilert Janßen Illustration
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